American Girl

My family moved to the US when I was five years old for my dad’s work.  We lived in a small town right outside of Raleigh, NC, and let’s just say there wasn’t exactly an abundance of Asian-Americans that resided there.  Growing up in the south and then the mid-west has taught some great American […]

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Since moving to Los Angeles six years ago, I’ve come to adapt myself to her weather, her food, and mostly her fashion.  Her style is always trendy, but casual enough that you don’t feel threatened.  As most commercial casting breakdowns would put it: attractive, yet approachable.  This might not be true for everyone, but that’s how […]

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I mother f-ing love sample sales.  Excuse my language, but it’s the only adjective to describe how deep my love is for sample sales.  I find the best things on planet earth at sample and warehouse sales.  Lovers + Friends, NBD and Tularosa just had a sample sale this past weekend (9.17 – 9.19) in […]

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