2018 is coming to an end. (YIKES!)  Another year has come and gone, and I just want to say THANK YOU for all of your love and support.  I might not say it or show it often, and I feel as if I may have neglected the blog a bit this year, but I do TRULY appreciate every one of you for taking the time to read my little blog.  And according to my Google Analytics, there are indeed readers.  Haha!  So thank YOU!

And to show my appreciation for your support, I think it’s time we get a little closer with one another, so I’ve decided to end the year with a blog post answering the top questions that I get asked most frequently.  These are questions that I get asked in person or through comments and DM’s via my Instagram page.

In no particular order…


This is probably the number one question I get asked the most in person.  By now you know that I love working out, and I basically live in active and lounge wear.  I’m constantly searching for cute activewear tops that support my boobs when I’m jogging, sprinting or doing any kind of intensive cardio.  I never had this ‘boob’ problem until I started using birth control about 3 years ago.  Since then my boobs have grown from a 32B to a 32C.  I know, I know, woe is me.  However, as if going through puberty the first time wasn’t awkward enough, (like the time I started my period at 14 and thought I had pooped out of my vagina), this is like going through it twice.

With that said, I get asked by girls in my workout classes, and sometimes at auditions where it involves wearing workout gear, where I get my sports bras.  Apparently no one cares about my lower half (meh, whatevs).  And the answer to that question is either TLA by Morgan Stewart or Montiel.  These are my go-to brands when it comes to supportive sports bras that are still flattering.

I mentioned TLA by Morgan Stewart in my previous post [see BLACKLISTED], and wore her bra to my workout class the day after I received it in the mail.  Sure enough, the girl running on the treadmill next to me asks me who makes my bra.  TLA bras don’t run cheap.  They’re about $70-$80, but the fabric is breathable, and sucks you in while also providing you support.

Montiel has a sample sale in LA about twice a year, [see SALES for upcoming sample sales].  I suggest waiting until the sample sale to make your first purchase.  The bras go for $10 during the sample sale, and there’s always at least 4 or 5 colors to pick from per style and size.  Be sure to get there early so you have your pick of the litter.  If you’re not local to LA, then you’re f*cked.  Just kidding.  The bras are around $40, which is very reasonably priced compared to all the other fancy activewear brands that are out there.  I find the Victory bra more supportive than the Teardrop, but I get more compliments when I wear the Teardrop.


In the past I shot with many different photographers, but in the past year and a half, I’ve been mainly shooting with Stefanie Meier.  Stefanie is possibly one of the sweetest people I ever had the pleasure to work with, and she has shot almost every LA influencer known to man at one point or another.

I like shooting with just one or two photographers because it keeps my content consistent.  The other photographer that I work with a lot, especially in the past, is Miré Yang of Stripescollide.

Both of these ladies are super talented and provide me content that fits the look and feel of my feed.  They are both extremely close friends of mine, and that’s what I would recommend to anyone who is just starting out in blogging or trying to get into social media: stay consistent.  The only way you can guarantee consistency is to work with the same photographer(s).  Eventually you’ll learn how each other works and your photoshoots will become smoother and more efficient, (and a lot more fun).

The next question that is usually attached to this question is then, what are their rates?  Well, that’s easy.  Why don’t you reach out to them and ask?  Yes, I pay my photographers, as they should be and deserve for their work and talent.  It takes a well experienced photographer to know how best to place you and position you so that you look 6 feet tall.  Miré is always yelling at me about how short I am, (btw I’m 5’4″), but I know she’s not trying to be mean and that she just wants me to look my best.  We are close enough friends to have those frivolous conversations, and I hope you too would have a relationship like that with your photographer(s).


I am old AF.  Like Nirvana old.  Like Crash Test Dummies old.  Like ‘Saved By The Bell’ old.  Does that answer your question?  The very next question I get after this is…


One thing I do take great pride in is the fact that I can say I have not had any botox, fillers or any injectables on my face or body….yet.  I’ve had a few IPLs from Dr. Alex and the occasional, (but, unfortunately, not regular), facials.  However, my main method for the upkeep of my skin comes from my own personal skincare routine.  I am very diligent with my skincare day and night, and I am always looking for the next great thing for my skin.  I have my favorites: Joanna Vargas SuperNova Serum, (btw, just got my sister hooked on this as well), daily peel pads (i.e. Instytutum, Dr. Dennis Gross), and sheet masks (i.e. Karuna, Joanna Vargas, Rael).

I’m not saying no to facial injectables, and I’m pretty sure it’ll be in my very near future, [see TAKING THE PLUNGE]; however, I’m currently content with what my skincare routine provides.  Wouldn’t it be funny if you read this post again in like two weeks and I’ve posted about my first Vollure appointment?  Yeah…about that…


I’ve been blogging for over 3 years now, but this question still gets asked more often than not from my friends who introduce me to other friends that know nothing about the blogging world.  My answer is simple: I got fired from working at a sports bar.  That is literally how I decided to start KANGTHROPOLOGIE.  I was sitting at home, wondering what to do now that I got fired, (won’t go into that story without saying some mean sh*t about a person who quits the job 2 months later).  Anyhew, I’m on the phone with my sister and she suggested that I start a blog about my shopping habit since it’s something that I continue to do anyway, even without an income.  I googled ‘how to start a blog’, found a blogger’s site with step-by-step instructions, came up with a handle that included a part of my name, and voilà.  That was Sept. 7, 2015, [see NUMBER ONE].


I swear every time I wear this perfume I am asked this question, so to answer all my Uber and Lyft drivers: I’m wearing Le Labo Thé Noir 29.  Le Labo sent me a bottle of their perfume back in February 2017, and I still have like half a bottle left.  They say fragrances are best and preserved the longest when kept in cooler places, and this perfume is still on it’s A-game.

I intend on keeping this bottle for as long as it’ll last because smelling this good ain’t cheap.  They run about $180 per 1.7 oz bottle, and with that said: Le Labo, if you’d like to gift me another bottle, I’d be more than happy to wear it. #hinthintnudgenudgewinkwink


Whenever I wear any of my Luv AJ earring sets, I get compliments left and right, and they’re not from my hip hair stylist.  I get asked this question from older women, which amazes me because I would think that Luv AJ might be a bit too edgy for their taste.  I guess I guessed wrong.

Quite honestly, I think Luv AJ is a bit overpriced for being antique gold plated, but they have a LA sample sale about twice a year.  That’s usually when I stock up on their items.  They’re actually really great to purchase for your cool girlfriends for bdays and holidays.



I hope this random post brought us a little bit closer.  I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, but safe, New Year.  Perhaps I’ll draft up another blog post before 2019, but odds are I’m going to be drinking a lot of wine in the next two weeks.  Happy holidays!

xo, Linda

Coat: Lulus / Boots: Patricia Nash Designs / Earrings: BaubleBar / Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photographed by Miré Yang

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